Saturday, November 21, 2009

Locks for Love

In recent days, I have gotten a slew of comments referring to the length of my hair. Those who don't really know me just say "Wow, your hair is so long!" My 'friends' say I look like the girl who never cuts her hair.. As a result, I have decided it is time for me to make a donation. Not just any monetary sum, a donation of my hair. Locks of Love requires ten inches from each longest end of your cut off pony. I am so so nervous to cut off that much. What do you think? Should I go for it or wait longer til I have more to cut off? ahhhh!!


  1. hahahahahah "the girl with the long hair" so funny. i think you should donate. you would look HOT with short hair. well you look hot no matter what..but i think you should cut it...go for a change. HA who am i to talk though, if i cut my hair two inches i cry.

  2. when did ur hair get that long?! you should definitely cut it and donate it, that would be awesome!
