Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Blogging

So I'm pretty sure the only person that is going to be reading this is Lauren. However, I love reading other people's blogs (creepy? yes.) and finding out what makes them tic. Maybe someone will enjoy reading mine.. (don't worry, I won't think you're a creeper)

Happy Blogging Laur!


  1. dude! you have a blog?! yay. i added you to my list of fellow bloggers. lol, love you girl. ciao bella.

  2. Hey Mackenzie! I just found your blog from Lauren's, which I found from Leah's! It's fun who you can find on here. Well let me know how everything is going and keep in touch. :)

  3. kennnzz im so excited to creep on you now. love you. p.s. your blog is cuuute

  4. You are such a cute girl. Loved reading about you. Hope you are doing awesome! Cute pictures!
